Feb 25, 2020
Music festivals? You mean those sweaty gatherings of bean-rolling teens puking in porta-potties and moshing to poorly mixed live sets performed by their 3rd or 4th favorite artists? Well that's a specific guess, but yes, that's exactly what I mean!
This week the bald-boy-bad-boy of Soundcloud, Willy Crooks, joins the...
Feb 18, 2020
Massachusetts is the kind of state where free folk celebrate free love, with a cup of Dunkies in one hand and a cream pie in the other! We’re joined by genuine funny person Nikk Tetreault, who discusses everything MA, from Baldwin Apples to Unsolved Art Heists!
You won’t want to miss this one, unless you’re...
Feb 11, 2020
This episode really is the cat's pajamas! Sure, Patrick Mahomes may have hoisted the super bowl trophy last weekend, but it's The Statesmen who are taking home the MVP! (Most Valuable Podcasters)
This week we go back to Missouri, the stately home of the Champion Chiefs, as well as the home state of our guest, the...
Feb 4, 2020
Blow hard upon your hollowed narwhal horn! WINTER APPROACHES!
A frigid wind cuts at your face as you trek across the frozen northern territory... Good thing you've got The Statesmen in your ears warming you up with some HOT TAKES!
In this episode we return to Alaska with guest Sarah Shoemaker! Hopefully she liked...