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A podcast exploring the fifty states with the five senses of perception hosted by Chicago comedians Tim Ferrari, Anthony Rossi, and Stuart Hicar.

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May 4, 2021

In the end, there can be only one. On this grand finale of Statesmen, we finally crown the BEST STATE IN AMERICA! Is it your state? Is it my state? Did we pull some bullshit and declare the winner as "the American STATE of Mind?" You'll have to listen to find out! 

As the show comes to a close, I find myself asking: Is...

Apr 27, 2021

FLAWLESS VICTORY or STATELY FATALITY? Find out in this penultimate episode of Statesmen! We're joined by our first ever guest, and a fan favorite, Alli Stark! Who better to pose as an expert decider in the head-to-head matchups between states?!

Who will win? Who will lose? Who will base a character solely on Hollywood...

Apr 6, 2021

This state is 99% corn and then a fabulous city where bears are cubs, the lake is an ocean, and Ferris Bueller danced in some sort of German pride parade? Wait a minute, he took a whole day off to enjoy Chicago and we have to do it in under two hours?! Uhm, CHECK PLEASE!

This week the Statesmen are joined by Chicago...

Mar 31, 2021

Like crawdads in a pot, we struggle over one and other to escape the broiling death below. Chitinous claws and furious tail swipes can only get you so far alone. We're all doomed as long as we continue to blame the other crustaceans in the boiling water for our failures, and not the bourgeoisie chefs themselves...
