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A podcast exploring the fifty states with the five senses of perception hosted by Chicago comedians Tim Ferrari, Anthony Rossi, and Stuart Hicar.

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Mar 31, 2021

Like crawdads in a pot, we struggle over one and other to escape the broiling death below. Chitinous claws and furious tail swipes can only get you so far alone. We're all doomed as long as we continue to blame the other crustaceans in the boiling water for our failures, and not the bourgeoisie chefs themselves...

Well THANK GOD we have a neck full of beads and a fat cocktail in both hands to help us forget about all this societal rot! 

This week we head back down to the bayou and explore Louisiana with our journalist friend Jon Dale! He'll give us the scoop on all the breaking news in The Big Easy! Is the food really that good? Is the culture only about drinking? Is the Boss Baby just too sexy? Listen in and decide for yourself! 

Find Jon HERE

Find Tim HERE

Find Stuart HERE

Find Anthony HERE

Find Camden HERE